Sunday, September 11, 2011

Where Were You?

In Remembrance Of September 11th

It's kind of funny in a weird sort of way. I remember talking with my mom about what life was like for her as a young girl growing up in the world. She remembers vividly where she was the day President Kennedy was shot. She could tell you exactly where she was and what happened.

I've only had a few events in my life where that is the case. Where I could tell you right down to almost what I was wearing (not quite) but the emotions easily come sweeping back very quickly.

The first event was the day when I was a sophomore in high school and our class found out a classmate had killed himself. I can still remember that day, the feelings, what happened. And that happened over 20 years ago.

And then today. September 11. I don't think I'll ever forget where I was 10 years ago today when the war on terror began. When the terrorists brought their warm to our land.

My hubby & I had just sold our house. I had just become a stay-at-home mom about four months prior. I was the proud mom of a five year old and a five month old. I thought life was fantastic and it was. It really was.

The morning of September 11, 2011 found me traveling into the city to bring B14 to his first ever swim lesson which began at 9am. I was blissfully unaware of anything going on in the world at the time. This was before Facebook and Twitter and I had only recently found the internet.

Driving home after his half hour lesson (most likely close to 10am) I had the local Christian radio station on. I remember them asking for prayer for the "tragedy that has struck our nation." I had no clue what was going on and began to flip the stations a bit and pray earnestly for whatever had occurred. Finally the station mentioned what had happened and I was just in shock.

We shortly arrived back at our apartment and I quickly unloaded the boys and went up to turn on the TV. I was standing in my living room watching when the North Tower of the World Trade Center collapsed. Needless to say I had no words. I spent the day watching the coverage, praying, crying, and hugging my boys - tightly.

I have a small album I put together of those events. In flipping through it tonight I found my thoughts that I added as a "looking back" perspective in 2003....

August 2003 - A look back....
The events of September 11, 2001 had far reaching results. It affected the lives of many, many Americans. Numerous families lost loved ones; husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, children....The New York City Fire and Police departments were nearly decimated. In doing their jobs and responding to the crisis at the World Trade Centers, many lost their lives when the Towers collapsed. It touched all our hearts and our lives - hopefully making us better from having been through it.  The war on terrorism continues. Operation Iraqi Freedom winds down, Afghanistan begins life without the Taliban, and we pray for the Lord's quick return to earth to take us home.

11 september 2001 Wallpaper United States World

Sadly not a lot has changed in the ensuing seven years. My children - now ages 15 and 10 and their younger brother not even born when 9/11/01 occurred -  think that the war in the Middle East is just normal. I wish it wasn't that way at all and we must work to never forget the events of that day.

One thing I will be sure to teach them and to make sure they never, ever, ever forget is the bravery of all those who fought. That includes all the people caught in the Towers, the people in the Pentagon, the firefighters and police men who died doing their job - so very many of them, the passengers of Flight 93 who took down the plane before it could hit it's target, the soldiers who have lost their lives fighting the terrorists, and all the soldiers who continue that fight to this day.

May We Never Forget

September 11, 2011

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Oh thank goodness! I'm not here all alone. Thanks for leaving me a comment. It helps that I'm not always talking to myself. Right? Hello?