Sunday, January 30, 2005

The end of January 2005

Here it is January 30th - 2005. My Dad's birthday is tomorrow - Happy Birthday Dad! That is the last of our many, many January birthday's - phew!

Our family is now dealing with colds. Both J & N have a runny nose/cough thing going on. J is handling it okay but gets pretty cranky when he can't suck on his pacifier or bottle - don't we all? :-) N is okay - so far! Hubby also has the same thing & is taking it easy today. B & I seem to be okay so far - hopefully it stays that way.

I think N has an imaginary friend. He is having conversations with himself. I'm not sure if he is just trying out new words or what. Today he had a "did not - did too!" argument - with himself. Hopefully it IS an imaginary friend! :-)

J is still trying to figure out how to walk. He stood for almost an entire minute all by himself yesterday before he realized what it was he had done! LOL It was pretty cute. His favorite pasttime when out of "jail" (i.e. the playpen) is to bee-line for my small bookcase that has my scrapbooks & videos on it. He can't seem to keep his hands off the videos and/or DVD's if he can get to them. Other than that, he loves to torment N - who is having some sharing issues - but then again - he is three years old.

I am still homeschooling B - that has been asked quite a bit. I do plan on schooling him right up until he absolutely refuses to do it anymore - which I'm hoping is right around age 17-18 when he heads off to college. :-) He is doing great. We did a short week this week & I let him do a couple days on his computer. That means he gets to play his 2nd grade Jumpstart game & his 3rd grade Clue finders game. He did that for about 2 hours one day while N & J were napping. That meant I got 2 hours of peace & quiet in the middle of the day - it was amazing & wonderful.

Living by my in-laws & grandparent-in-laws has been going amazingly well. We have our own little "commune" starting here. We all get along great so that certainly helps. I don't have any mother-in-law horror stories to share since my MIL & I get along great! She is just fantastic. It was quite comical earlier in the week though. My hubby had some sort of bug that just wiped him out - possibly the flu - & was home for 2-1/2 days. Both his mom & grandmother called to check on why he was home & to see if he was doing well. His grandmother offered soup & Gatarode. :-) It was nice to have that - something we've never had before since we've lived so far away from family.

Until next time.........

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