Friday, August 10, 2007

Pizza Night

When we moved here three years ago this month, we started a new tradition. My in-laws always had pizza on Friday night for dinner. During the three months we lived with them while getting our trailer in a livable condition, I volunteered to make it from scratch - just like my mama taught me. My in-laws were hooked & the tradition was started.

I do make my crust from scratch with a "secret ingredient" that changes the taste. It's a sweet dough. I use the traditional Betty Crocker recipe - usually doubled. However, that one only calls for 1-2 tablespoons of sugar. I put in about 3/4 of a cup. It's yummy though!


  1. Best Pizza on the Planet

  2. We used to have Pizza and Movie Night on FRidays, but it ended when the dc started going to youth group then. It was a nice tradition though. {g}

    Home-made would be even better. OK I think I know what I'm doing for dinner! Thanks!

  3. What a fun family tradition. I think I want to ask for some pizza making "tools" like DeEtta has for Christmas or my birthday this year.. Our dough always turns out too doughy... have you tried the pizza pan like DeEtta uses? Do you use a special pizza pan?


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