Friday, March 5, 2010

Friday's Fave Five - 3/5

Be sure to click over to Living to Tell the Story to link up and read more entries! 

1. The ability to take time off when we need to. This really is one of the main joys of homeschooling that I enjoy the most. We were gone over the weekend and I found I really needed an extra day to recover. So I took Monday partially off - we just did a bit of school and that worked for us.

2. Dinner with friends. A couple weeks ago when I went to see Casting Crowns, it was my hubby and I plus two girlfriends. We talked about how we all needed together so started to make plans. And they stuck. We all met up Wednesday night at Robin's house for pizza and a rousing game of Cranium. It was fun. Even if I need a geography/history lesson.

3. Regular programming on TV is back. I enjoy watching the Olympics. I really do. And there were some really amazing moments during the Winter Games. But I was happy to get back to seeing what was happening on American Idol and Biggest Loser. I know. I have no life.

4. Spring weather. The great state of Maine got virtually no snow during the month of February - except for last weekend while I was traveling. March has definitely come in "like a lamb." I know that we can still get snow and probably will get snow, but I am very much enjoying the bare ground and (more importantly) the warmer weather. This weekend it's suppose to be close to 50 and sunny. Ahhhhh............spring is coming!

5. My Bible study. I am caught up on my Prentiss Study. I am horribly behind on my Bible reading for the 90-Day challenge. But I am still very thankful for both. I'm learning new habits and overcoming old ones - slowly. I'm learning more about God. It's all good in the end.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm you are north of me and have bare ground yet I don't yet. Where do I got to lodge a complaint. LOL


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