Sunday, February 6, 2011


I have a bunch of little things to talk about so as a result you get to rid a bit of randomness about my life. Aren't you lucky?

The above photo was taken on Wednesday when Maine was getting hit with a rather large snowstorm. I think we ended up with about ten inches more on top of what was already on the ground. The icicles are hanging off the room and the snow was falling. I thought it rather pretty. Especially since I was inside. I'm not much of a foul weather person or a snow person or a cold weather person. Really? I'm not even sure why I live in Maine! Oh yeah, this is where I was born and raised and I wouldn't have it any other matter what I say.


School has been cranking along rather nicely. I had a couple phone calls this week from friends who had some homeschooling questions for me. I love those types of calls. One wasn't sure if she was doing enough for her son. We talked about various curriculum she might try but I told her not to worry as he's only six. I remember those days and those phone calls though. 

My other friend had a different question. Her daughter is in sixth grade and my friend needs to work part-time to make the ends meet. She wanted help finding some DVD based curriculum for her daughter to use so that she would be assured she was learning but not have it be quite so teacher (i.e. Mom) intensive. I love looking things up on the internet and I felt sure I could find a less expensive option than using Abeka or Bob Jones. The two main subjects she was concerned with were math and language arts.

I love what I found for her so much I'm seriously thinking of switching myself! Love that!

For math I found a site called Systematic Math. Ever heard of it? Please share if you have! I'm specifically considering their "Math Rescue" program for my oldest. Due to a lot of poor decisions on my part early in our homeschooling and the fact that I fear he has my math brain (or lack thereof), I felt this would be a good product to try to get him up to speed before high school next year. Any thoughts?

Then for language arts I found this intriguing company Splashes from the River which offers a grammar program, a punctuation program, and an essay course. While the boys might think it's a bit cheesy looking, I fell in love while watching the samples. The teacher is a former public school teacher of 34 years and she doesn't sit inside talking off a white board - she's exploring nature while teaching. I really liked that. Anyone ever seen these before?


My middle son is not sporting a new pair of glasses. He only needs to wear them for distance and he's been very good about following this instruction. Both my hubby and I were told the same thing at his age. I didn't wear glasses continually until I was in college and working in a wood mill. I was able to wear them rather than safety glasses - vanity - now I have to wear them most of the time although I can function very well in my house without them. My hubby though...he's pretty much blind as a bat without his.

I think N9 looks pretty darn cute with these one. He spent the entire 45 minute ride home from the eye doctor exclaiming about all he could see. I loved it.

I have two reviews due this week. One tomorrow on VocabAhead and one Friday on one of the Curiosity Files unit studies put out by The Old Schoolhouse Magazine. Then I have the rest of the month off. I'm still amazed looking at the schedule of my reviews. There are definitely some good ones coming up though but other Crew members will be having their say. 

No worries though, I still have some reviews in the works. B14 will be getting a chance to learn Latin. I'm sure he'll be thrilled with that. Actually, that was a bit sarcastic on my part, but I loved the looks of it and I was happy to be picked. 

We've also been working on a product from Greek 'n Stuff as well as Institute for Excellence in Writing, but those aren't due for a few more months.

Lastly, my hubby and I have already filed and received our tax return back. Yeah, I know, we're over-achievers. Actually, we just really need the tax refund to balance the budget and use it to get ahead and also splurge on a couple items. My fact...I just hit "place order" and I'm so excited

The boys and I have been taking piano lessons since September. All we have here to practice on is a 49-key Casio keyboard my parents bought me when I was a senior in high school. It's not exactly what we need to practice effectively so I've also been going to church about an hour earlier than I need in order to practice on the grand piano we have there. Still, not a great solution especially these last two weeks as I've been waiting for my two youngest to break out with chicken pox. This means I can't take them in public as they could break out any time - not that they are but they could better should any day. 

So what does all that mean? My hubby is letting me use some of the tax refund to buy this......

I was also able to get a stand, bench, and sustain pedal for it. It's a Casio PX-130 88-key digital stage piano. I think this will make practicing so much easier! Now I just have to find a spot for it to live in our teeny, tiny trailer. I'm afraid some books might have to go but it will be worth it!


  1. I love how you always seem to have an awnswer for homeschooling questions! Your son's glasses look great on him too!

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