Tuesday, October 18, 2011

{Challenge} Week #4 Update

I still continue to make baby steps. I really wish it were easier to make the changes I need to do. I'm finding a lot of things are quite the struggle right now. I was originally going to skip my post this week after I realized I had forgotten to post yesterday or just simply say it was a big old FAIL. Then I started thinking about the things I did manage to change and do rather than focusing on those things I didn't accomplish.

My Action Statement:

I will work on building good healthy habits - ones that will benefit my overall physical health, spiritual health and mental health. By working towards those goals, I will be giving myself the gift of life. I will live out 1 Corinthians 6:19-20: "Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body."  

My {Revised} Actions Steps:

  1. I will begin each day with a quiet time/Bible study. I managed this most days last week although not every day. 
  2. I will continue to attend Zumba at least three times a week. Sadly I missed Zumba all last week. 
  3. I will be in bed sleeping no later than 11pm each night. Did not manage every night but managed this more than I did not.
  4. I will be done with all computer work no later than 9pm each night.  Still a struggle.
  5. I will daily log my calories, exercise, water intake, and weekly weight progress on the My Fitness Pal website. Did not do. Have I ever mentioned how much I dislike logging my food?? 
  6. I will post weekly updates throughout the course of the challenge. Although, I'm late this week, I'm posting all the same.
  7. I will increase my water intake so that by the end of the challenge that will be my drink of choice above anything else. Continuing to work on this.
  8. I will begin the "No S Diet" immediately and will add (::gulp::) "No soda" to the diet plan.  This was definitely the hardest for me, but I did see some improvements. I wanted to clarify something here as well. While the "No S" Diet states "no snacks" I do not and will not always follow that. As a Type 1 diabetic, I have to make sure my blood sugar stays higher than 70 and since it dips below that on occasion, I have to eat. It's definitely a struggle and one I continue to work on. I also decided not to go cold turkey on soda. My soda of choice is Diet Mt. Dew and I don't want to deal with the caffeine withdrawal, however, I have cut back to about half of what I was drinking and will continue working towards "soda-free" over the next couple of weeks.

I am continuing to strive to good health. I turn 40 in two months. I started this year wanting to be "Fit by 40" and I'm not going to make it. I'm disappointed in myself, but I know the changes will come. My goal now is to still be "Fit by 40" although I may be 41 before I reach that goal.

Thanks to Thrice Blessed for this challenge.  She continues to be an inspiration to me. 


  1. Something was wrong with the link you posted on my blog. So I came to look for your update.
    As for the food logging, it IS a pain, but I find it really helps, I hope you find the motivation you need for it.
    The NO S Diet is something I haven't really looked into, but no snacks would definitely be a problem for me!

  2. Good for you for following through with this, Lisa! It's not easy by any stretch, especially when you factor in diabetes. I've been checking your posts each week to see how you're doing and trying to follow along with you in my own habits. My thyroid levels are off right now and that just makes everything harder, unfortunately. I'll be praying for you and I am inspired by your dedication to doing this. Keep on keeping on!


Oh thank goodness! I'm not here all alone. Thanks for leaving me a comment. It helps that I'm not always talking to myself. Right? Hello?