Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wednesday Hodgepodge


1. William Shakespeare's birthday is celebrated on April 23rd...when did you last read Shakespeare? What's your favorite Shakespeare play?  The last time I read Shakespeare was probably high school. It's been awhile to say the least. My favorite play....well....I'm not all that well-versed in Shakespeare. I know the general plot of most of his plays but I don't think I can really pick a favorite. 

2. What food(s) would you recommend a foreign visitor try when they visit your home country? Whoopie pies! Oh yum! It's the "official Maine treat" after all. Blueberry pie is our "official Maine dessert" so maybe that too? A boiled dinner? We could have two desserts easily. I'm hungry.

3. What's a lie you often tell yourself? I'm not sure I want to admit this one in public!

4. What's something you're good at that might surprise us? Remember this is a family friendly blog! I'm not sure. I've admitted most everything here - I think. I'm good with "worthless" trivia. I'm good at remembering songs and figuring out names and such. Nothing too steller.

5. Who is your favorite animal character from a book? Gosh! These are making me think this week! I'm going to go with Peter Rabbit. I love Beatrice Potter books and he's probably my favorite.

6. April showers bring May you have a green thumb?  Not in any way, shape or form. I'm hopeless when it comes to plants.

7. Speaking of rainy days...which one of the following activities would you most want to spend time doing on a rainy day-

  • sort photos and create albums
  • bake cookies
  • read a good book
  • hold an all-day movie marathon
  • organize closets, cupboards, or bookshelves
  • try a new recipe
  • fix something that needs fixing
Any of the three that I highlighted. It would all depend on who I was with. If it were a rainy day and I was with friends, I'd probably work on sorting photos and maybe even scrapbooking. If I were with the kids, I might read a good book and hopefully take a nap! And if I was by myself, I would hold an all-day movie marathon and take a nap! Naps are nice on rainy days.

8. Insert your own random thought here.
I'm heading out for a long weekend away. I'm going my first "big" homeschool convention. While I know it's small compared to many, it's much larger than any I've ever been too. I can't wait. A nice long weekend away from home, with great friends, and a much needed mommy break to recharge. I'm so looking forward to it all! Add to that great homeschool speakers and a huge vendor hall - I'm so ready!

1 comment:

Oh thank goodness! I'm not here all alone. Thanks for leaving me a comment. It helps that I'm not always talking to myself. Right? Hello?