Monday, September 17, 2012

Fall Into Reading 2012 - The Updated List

Callapidder Days

It's been quite some time since I took part in one of Katrina's reading challenges. Even though I have a ton going on right now, I'm come to a recent realization....I don't read books anymore! Now, anyone who knows me would find this a shocking statement. I, myself, find it a shocking statement! 

This past Christmas my hubby surprised me with a Kindle Fire. Earlier in that same month for my birthday, he blessed me with a smartphone. Between these two pieces of technology I have read a grand total of about three real books and probably a dozen or so eBooks - and that's probably pushing the totals on both. 
Being connected all the time isn't always a good thing.

So I thought this was a great time to jump back in to a reading challenge. And for me, my list will include only real, honest-to-goodness, paper books.

My list may change up a bit during the challenge, but my goal is simple - to get back in the habit of reading real books - daily.

So without further is my list for the 2012 challenge.
Just five books for the season - at this point. But I will be adding more. And so I have already.

I just added the last three books today (Saturday, September 22nd). Do you see a theme yet in those books? I seem to have a lot of non-fiction in my list which is quite unusual for me. I much prefer fiction. I found many of these newly added books just languishing on my bookshelf as I was sorting and packing for our upcoming move. They need to be read as we move in to this new season of life. And as the mom to three boys, I really need all the help I can get to figure out how to raise these young ones into godly men.

I will also be adding in daily Bible reading. I belong to a "Life Transformation Group" that meets weekly. We read through chapters of the Bible on our own during the week and then meet for accountability and to discuss what we've read. Our current book is Daniel, but this changes weekly. We're working on doing a chapter in the Old Testament (the last one was Jeremiah) and then the New Testament (Philippians - don't judge - after 52 chapters of the "weeping prophet  we needed something short and simple!). We've only been meeting for about a month. 

I have also picked out two devotional books to work through as well. The devotionals are:
If you'd like to join the challenge, you have time to do so. Check out all the FAQs at Callapidder Days blog. Then either write up a blog post or, if you don't have a blog, leave a comment for Katrina and she'll add you.

Happy Reading!

And to clarify an earlier statement about all of these being actual paper books...while I have a Kindle Fire, I typically don't read books on it. It's another bad habit I've developed of using it to read blogs, check Facebook, play Solitaire, but not so much reading. I will be working to change that as well. Prior to the start of this challenge I actually did read and complete a great short story called The Pastor's Wife that I picked up when it was free for Kindle. I'll be adding in reading more books on my Kindle, but I'll be focusing on the paper books for now in order to complete this challenge.

Please note: None of the links are affiliate links. I simply linked to the books at Amazon in case any readers wanted more info.


  1. Lisa, thanks for posting this. I've been trying to blog more and this was always a fun challenge for me. Looks like a very doable reading list.

  2. I remember these fun challenges. My problem is I don't have time to blog what I'm reading these days.....and I don't always want scrutiny on what I'm reading either to be honest. ::snort::

    I have found that I read MORE with my ipad as I always have a library of choices with me. I consider any published work by an author to be "real" regardless of how I read it - paper, ipad or hard cover. LOL

    I have the Made to Crave Devo and her book on the ipad and have really gained from both. Good stuff.

    Enjoy your reading!

  3. That's a great list of books! I hope you find the time to make it through all of them during FIR.

  4. I've heard that Laura's book is excellent and very encouraging! I have not yet gone the electronic book route. I think I'd find it difficult. Love the hard copy in my hands too much. Enjoy your reading!

  5. Oh, I hear you on how being connected can interfere with reading! That's one reason I started these challenges...I needed that extra little prompting. I'm reading a mix of real and Kindle books...I admit I love having the flexibility to read both. Thanks for being part of FIR '12!

  6. A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 sounds really good! I had to add it to my to-read list. :)

    Happy reading! I hope you enjoy all of your nonfiction.


Oh thank goodness! I'm not here all alone. Thanks for leaving me a comment. It helps that I'm not always talking to myself. Right? Hello?