1. This week marks the beginning of Lent...will you be giving something up or adding anything to your life during this season of the year?
I have at various times. I plan to give up Facebook games this year. I did the same thing last year. I tend to waste a lot of time just playing mindless games there so I'll be giving that up for the next 40 days.
2. The day before Lent is Shrove Tuesday... tradition states you eat pancakes on this day. In some parts of the world Shrove Tuesday is actually known as 'pancake day'. How do you like your pancakes? Or don't you?
I like pancakes but I'm not a huge breakfast eater. When I do have them, I eat them with powdered sugar. Decadent I know, but I'm not a huge fan of maple syrup. And yes, I grew up in Maine. I have always eaten powered sugar with them so I once asked my mom why. She told me I didn't like maple syrup and I knew that. She wasn't fond of it either and liked grape jelly and powdered sugar on hers so tried that with mine when I was small. I liked the sugar. Go figure.
3. I'm sure there are many, but what's one love song you really love?
I surprised my hubby one year on our anniversary by singing this song to him - in public. I was already on the rotation for special music at church and it just so happened to fall on our anniversary so I got permission from the pastor to sing this to him. The only problem was I couldn't look at him when I did it or I would have bawled.
Acts of service. One of my love languages. Before we moved so close to where hubby works (so he comes home most of the time for lunch), I made sure his lunch was made. That's just one example.
5. Roses...red, pink, or do you prefer another color? Can you recall the last time someone gave you flowers? Given your choice would you like to open the door and see a dozen red roses, a dozen purple tulips, or a dozen pink peonies?
I love roses. I don't care what color and I know it's cliche, but I love them. The last time I received flowers was, well, today. My hubby gave me a dozen red roses for Valentine's Day tonight when he got home from work. And I don't care what kind of flower, if I opened the door to flowers, I'd be happy with anything. Well, maybe not a stinking Benjamin, but you get the point.
6. President's Day will be celebrated in America next Monday. Does US Presidential history and trivia interest you? Many Presidential homes are open to the public and offer guided tours...Monticello (Jefferson's home), Mount Vernon (Washington's home), Montpelier (James Madison's home), Hyde Park (FD Roosevelt's home) and The White House (home to the sitting President) to name just a few. Of those listed which would you be most interested in touring? Why?
I do find it interesting but I find a lot of history interesting. I'd love to visit all the presidential homes that are open. Eons ago I was able to spend some time in Washington, D.C. with my parents when my older sister graduated college. We were able to tour the White House and it was very cool.
7. Are you good at keeping secrets?
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Last Saturday we had twelve inches of snow dumped on us during Nemo. Yes, I know, not as bad as further south. Sunday was a beautiful day. Monday we ended up with about another four to six inches of snow. Yesterday and today? We had almost 40 degree weather. Weird! I'm ready for either spring to finally STAY put or winter to come back. Wait, what am I saying....I'm ready for spring!
Although, my dog seems to be enjoying the new snowfall....
She was outside by herself running circles in the new snow, rolling in it, digging in it...acting like a little kid. Not bad for a nine-year-old dog.

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