Monday, January 18, 2010

My Daybook

Be sure to check out more daybooks HERE.

FOR TODAY... Monday, January 18, 2010

Outside my window... pitch black. It's almost 10pm but the day isn't over yet. It's been snowing most of the day & we've gained about 4-5 new inches of snow.

I am thinking... this week seems crazy busy but I know it's not really. I just need to focus on one day as it comes instead of letting the big picture overwhelm me. Hmmm, perhaps that is a life lesson.

I am thankful for... my 4-wheel drive truck - especially on the messy back roads I live on. 

From the learning rooms... it will be a mix of "together school" and workboxes and both of those this week as we work around the crazy schedule. Today we spent some time learning about Martin Luther King, Jr (yes, we did school today even though the boys tried to convince me it was a holiday. I told them it wasn't for us!). There is a great video on YouTube - long - of Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech. We watched from about minute 12 to minute 15 on it.

From the kitchen... nothing tonight. I was out taking B13 to Youth Group. Hubby fended for himself & the younger set had chicken nuggets. Tomorrow night - not sure - something from the freezer I think. I really need to get back to menu plans.

I am wearing... winter crocs (of course), warm fuzzy socks (of course), comfy jeans (of course), long-sleeved t-shirt and a fleece.

I am remembering... the winter is just settling in around here. It seems so long until spring arrives but soon it will be there - yet again.

I am creating... nothing really right now. I really need to work on getting my bedroom organized and getting back to scrapbooking again.

I am currently reading... a variety of books: Gods and Kings by Lynn Austin (Kristine - you were right - it's EXCELLENT so far!), Stepping Heavenward by Elizabeth Prentiss for my online Bible study, The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling by Debra Bell (TOS Homeschool Crew review item), and The Bible for the 90 Day challenge. This doesn't include any of the read louds I'm doing with the boys either.

I am hoping... for the week to not be as crazy busy as it appears on paper. So far so good. N8 had an 8am dentist appointment tomorrow morning (not sure WHAT I was thinking when I scheduled that since it's a 30 minute drive there!) and they called today to ask if we could come in at 9am instead. Oh yeah!

I am hearing... the blower on the furnace. That's it. Oh and the hum of the computer. Everyone else is either sleeping or in bed reading. I love this time of night simply for the quiet of it all.

Around the house... the water project of 2010 finally seems to be all set. There were some leaks this weekend and hubby spent some time redoing things. So far so good. Still lots of decluttering that needs to take place and I will be tackling some kid rooms soon unless they get them cleaned up ASAP. I'll be using my black trash bag of "give-it-away-since-you-have-too-much-to-keep-clean" to get things back on track.

One of my favorite things... fresh eggs waiting in the nesting boxes to be picked up. We're getting about eight eggs a day from 12 chickens. The newer set are now laying. Yeah! We're even starting to sell some. Maybe they will start earning their keep here soon.

From my picture journal...

The boys were invited to a bowling birthday party today. Almost every time N8 bowled he did this. Not sure if he thought it would help or not. He also mentioned that bowling "for real" was a lot harder than bowling on the Wii. Ya think? They had a great time though.


  1. I just picked up Gods and Kings from the library. Can't wait to start it!

  2. Wow! 8 eggs a day is great. During the winter we get maybe 8-10/week.

    Enjoyed your daybook :)

  3. Stepping Heavenward is one of my favorite books!

  4. I love this peek into your week. Thanks for sharing. Off to see if my library has Gods and Kings.

    Have a great week.


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