I came across a website called LEGO Quest Kids. It's a couple years old, but still relevant. The creator challenged kids every week for a year to build various LEGO creations. Each week a new challenge would be listed and then photos submitted of the finished products.
I had planned to have the boys do one each week over the year. Well, they had other ideas. Today alone they have completed three. I'm going to try to make them last longer than a day, but I may not be successful.
Quest #1: Create a Car
Quest #2: Monochromatic
A yellow version of the Empire State Building
A white repulsor craft
Quest #3: Vessel
J's coffee mug
N's air ship
They are having a lot of fun with it. Best "stumble" I've had in a long while.

So neat! I'm going to put it in our school day too. Thanks for posting this! :)