One emotion I have always struggled with is fear. It was always driving me and my reactions and emotions.
I can remember being in kindergarten and being so afraid I would miss the bus to go home. I never did. Transitioning from the small elementary school to the multi-level floor middle school caused much anxiety and fear in me. It was a new situation. New situations were always cause for worry, anxiety, and fear.
As I've aged, and hopefully grown in wisdom, things have grown somewhat easier. Has my fear disappeared? No, new situations still cause me some level of fear and anxiousness. However, I married a man who views life as an adventure to discover.
He helps me to see the wonder of new things. And how there really is nothing that can't be overcome when its encountered. One doesn't have to know everything that is going to happen before it happens. This is coming from an Eagle Scout who lives by the motto "always be prepared."
A few years ago we went on a week long trip to Canada for our 20th wedding anniversary. I busily began to plan it all out. His one request was to not plan every single minute of every single day. I wanted to...badly! However, I agreed to his request. We went into our adventure with hotel reservations for the nights we needed them (one thing I insisted on) but only a general idea of what we would do each day. It allowed for adventuring to happen.
I have a small desk in our bedroom where I do my quiet time. When a verse I'm reading strikes me, I often write it on a post it note so I can see it. I had a verse from Isaiah 41 written down as well as a quote about fear I had read in a book.
Just recently I noticed my husband had added some more encouragement for me. This is one of many reasons why I adore him.
Fear doesn't rule my life any longer like it once did. I still do like to know what's happening. I like to have a plan for my day, week, month, life, well, you get the picture. But I'm constantly brought back to the verse I have posted at the top of this post..."For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline." (2 Timothy 1:7 NLT).
