In February my hubby and I had the opportunity to go to Tennessee for a week. He would be attending a Dave Ramsey Entreleadership conference for business owners. I was tagging along for the ride.

We haven't been on a plane since 1999. In that year I flew three times. I had never been on a plane before that and I haven't been on one since. We typically drive everywhere. Needless to say a few things have changed since I first rode a plane. Namely 9/11 which has beefed up security and my need for an insulin pump.
I also had no idea what to pack, how much to pack, what I would need or not need. In other words, we both over-packed by a lot especially since I ended up doing laundry one day while we were gone. It was an adventure that was for sure!
Not only do a wear an insulin pump but I also wear a continuous glucose monitor now. Essentially it will measure my glucose level every five minutes and communicate with my pump. It doesn't negate the need to still stick my finger, but it helps me keep tabs on where my levels are going - up or down. This is essential when traveling because one gets busy and forgets to test or doesn't realize levels are trending up or down.
All the research I did before I left (and yes, I did a lot) didn't really tell me if I could go through security wearing them. I would find one place that said yes and one that said well, it may be okay but it's up to you. Ack!
We flew out of Portland (Maine that is) and when we arrived for our flight we were pretty much the only people there. There was no line at all for the TSA check. (God's provision #1). I also happened to be TSA Pre-Check (God's provision #2). And there were some amazingly helpful agents who helped allay my fears about the body scanner damaging my (extremely expensive) equipment. (God's provision #3). I skipped the x-ray and did the body scanner. I had to have my hands swabbed for explosive residue after going through to ensure my equipment was legit. I'm thankful my first experience flying in over 20 years was so relatively easy!
We had just had two massive snow storms before we left. It's the most snow we've had in a couple of winters. I took this photo just to show the size of the snowbank (it was taller than me - close to six feet tall). I was looking forward to heading south!
We had a layover each way in New York.
Our flight from Portland to New York was short - less than an hour. The flight attendants literally had about enough time to serve everyone before we were landing. We flew under the clouds as well. I had the window seat and spent most of the time snapping photos of the land.
Ski area
Topography in real life
Our flight from New York to Nashville was above the clouds and about two hours total. We both spent the time reading and relaxing, well as much as you can when you are sitting in the back of the plane near the engine. Overall it wasn't a bad flight.
Tomorrow I'll share about our adventures, day by day. We packed a lot into our week there. Well, hubby spent most of the time learning. I was able to play tourist and loved every minute of it.
I forgot how beautiful it is up there