We finished up our homeschool last month as well. Our middle son is completely done and will be starting college in the fall. That leaves me with just one kiddo in high school and in our homeschool. I almost said one kiddo left at home. However, both my older boys are commuting to college so they are both still home. I'm good with it...for now. I'm simply going to enjoy having them around a bit longer.
I decided today that unless I put together a specific list of things I'd like to get done this summer, I have the potential to let the days slip away without anything to show. So here is my summer 2019 project list:
- Participate in a yard sale - I am signed up to be part of the Franklin County Humane Society yard sale being held at the Farmington Fairgrounds next weekend. I'm using it as a way to not only declutter the house, but to also earn some money to put towards savings. A win-win!
- Rearrange my den. This is the area of the house that holds our piano(s) (electric and traditional), the two younger boys computer desks, my computer desk, a large bookshelf from IKEA, and a couple filing cabinets. I rarely use my desk anymore so I will be taking that out once I figure out where to put everything that is in it and on it somewhere else. I have an idea of how I want to rearrange everything and once my large desk is taken out, there should be plenty of room to accomplish it.
- Successfully complete the event I'm hosting next month on homeschooling. The state of Maine has now made all vaccinations mandatory for children in public education effective 2021 with no exemptions allowed. This has increased the number of people interested in homeschooling. I'm hosting a day of workshops that will go over the basics of homeschooling in Maine, scheduling, and homeschooling high school. The response thus far has been amazing. I'm looking forward to supporting new and veteran homeschoolers alike.
- I've already started working on another summer goal and that is to blog more consistently. My goal is to share something here at least twice a week. It will be just like me - eclectic content.
- I also want to go visiting! I have a trip planned to go visit relatives in Massachusetts next month. I haven't been for a couple years and it's long overdue! I'll also be connecting with a friend of mine who lives down there.
- I also get to go visit Anne! Anne Shirley that is! My hubby and I are planning a trip to Prince Edward Island and I'm beyond excited. It was even his idea! He scored some major marriage bank points with that one!
- This next one is a rather large goal for me. I've participated in NaNoWriMo now for a few years. Way back in 2013 I finished my first draft of my first ever novel for NaNoWriMo and I've been doing nothing with it since then. I have a wonderful friend who is also a very successful author. Seriously, check out the newest book by my friend Robin. It's awesome! She has given me an assignment of finally getting that dang thing published! So that is my goal for this summer...publish my first book. I'll definitely be sharing about that when it happens!
- That goal leads to the next one...start writing book two. Yes, I actually do have other books in progress, but I have one kicking around my head that may demand to come out first. But more books are on the horizon for me.
- In the midst of all of these other goals, I need to get next year's homeschool planned and scheduled. I'm sure my youngest would be happy for me to forget or to put it off for all of these other great goals, but he'll be disappointed. I'm determined to have it all in place by mid-August so we can start the year nice and strong.
- Lastly, I am currently working on becoming an accredited teacher for Institute for Excellence in Writing. It's a writing program often used with homeschool students. I've used it with my boys and I really like the program. It doesn't cost anything extra to become accredited because I already own the materials needed. I'm not sure what I'll do with the accreditation but potentially teach online writing classes for homeschool students at some point.
Some of these items won't take long and have deadlines built in, like the yard sale next weekend and my trips, which have already been scheduled. Others I'll need to make sure I stay self-motivated or they won't occur, like the book project!
I'll be back in September with an update!

I love your goals. Great list. AND you reminded me I need to figure out what to order for next year before I get too caught up in summer.
ReplyDeleteOur seasons seem to be very close to yours. We have had absolutely gorgeous weather this past week. I'm hoping it stays so we can cut loose from some projects and go get some salmon - which is also a summer project come to think of it - fill the freezer.
I'm glad you are going to blog more often. I'm also doing that...and excited to watch the publication of your book.
A new mystery author for me to check out....our library has "Some Like it Hot" by an author of the same name. Do you think its one of hers?
ReplyDeleteThank you ffor being you