Thursday, May 31, 2007

Annual Memorial Day Hike

For the last eleven years, my hubby has gone out on a three day overnight backpacking trip over the Memorial Day weekend. Needless to say he's learned a lot since that first trip. Some times he has one buddy go & sometimes a large group. This year it was just him, our oldest son, a buddy & one of his daughters & then his sister & BIL met up with them for the second day. Photos & captions follow.

The group at the trail head - before they start out.

B halfway up the trail on the first day at the first rest stop.

My SIL giving a thumbs up on the camp site the first (and second) night.

Okay, this one is out of place, but my hubby loves to take photos to show what the campsite area looks like AFTER they are all packed up. No clue anyone has been here - including four tents & all their gear.

Relaxing by the fire.

Hubby's sister & BIL.

Hubby & Abby (his sister's dog)

View of the trail. Keep looking up.

Due to the wet weather we had been having, the decision was made not to continue along the trail on Day #3 (Monday). Instead they headed back to the original campsite on Sunday night & then on Monday they headed over to Moxie Falls & hiked that. Photos of that follow.

The Falls

B & Hubby posing at the Falls.

See that guy standing there?? Thankfully it was NOT my hubby but his buddy. He ended up in the middle of that "stream" on a rock. YIKES! LOL

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