Monday, June 22, 2009

Cheap Fun

One of my favorite features of Google Reader is that I can "star" a post that I like. It is then saved in my "starred items" area & I can scroll through to find it again or even do a search for it.

Back in March I saw a really neat idea on Her Cup Overfloweth about making a roadway using painters tape & a Sharpie marker. I saved it knowing that my boys would love this idea but I needed to pick up some painters tape.

Just a few days ago I noticed we still happened to have some hanging in the shop leftover from our trailer renovation. I managed to snag it down from the hook it was on (have I ever mentioned I'm short? LOL) & set up a roadway in our living room.

The best for me? My middle son, N, said, "Mom, I love this. Do you want to know why? Because you made it for us." That made my day.

PS: The boys are scrounging for boxes out of our recyclables & added to their town as I type.


  1. Thanks for teaching me about starring an item. I never knew that! I starred one on the LPM blog that I wanted to read later when I have more time, so now I'll be able to remember to go back to it.

  2. Now that is a pretty awesome idea! Filing away for winter bored days.


Oh thank goodness! I'm not here all alone. Thanks for leaving me a comment. It helps that I'm not always talking to myself. Right? Hello?