Monday, June 22, 2009

Glimpses of Maine

I headed over to my Dad's house for a BBQ Sunday afternoon to celebrate Father's Day. On the way I made note to stop & get some photos of the wild lupine growing by the road. I've seen it everywhere & I love it. It's a sure sign of summer time in Maine & it's so pretty.

Just up the road from the lupine I spotted this young moose beside the road getting a drink. I stopped to snap some photos of him as well. He never took off. He kept looking around trying to figure out where all the noise was coming from (I was yelling for him to smile - well, not really, but I was whistling & hollering to get him to look at me.) He isn't old enough to figure out that humans could be dangerous I guess.


  1. Wow, great moose photos!

  2. I absolutely love the lupine. There are a lot in Northern Maine too.

    The moose pictures are great!!

  3. Awesome Moose photo's, I'm never able to get one that good! I'm jealous! :)

  4. we went to Maine for 9 days vacation and NEVER saw one Moose. Not a single one! My kids can't wait to get back to Alaska to see moose...


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