Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Tiny Talk Tuesday

I don't always think to join up on this weekly meme but I knew I had to record what J6 said this week. This week being Christmas week. On Christmas morning - after everything was said and done - he simply said this with much enthusiasm....

This is the best lifetime! ~J6

As I was struggling to translate this his wise nine-year-old brother piped up with....

You mean "time of your life." ~N9
Yeah, that's it! ~J6

I hope you all had a great "lifetime" over the weekend too.


  1. Too funny!! Ha, my sis & I are often on the same wavelength, even when my mom fails to understand or translate. : )

  2. Aww...that is so cute! I love adorable mess ups like that one!

    Happy TTT


Oh thank goodness! I'm not here all alone. Thanks for leaving me a comment. It helps that I'm not always talking to myself. Right? Hello?