Friday, May 27, 2011

TOS Crew Review: Apologia - Read For the Heart


Almost any parent out there will tell you how important it is to read to your children. Typically this means reading to young children. The parents wish to instill a love of learning and books that will carry their children through their entire lives. Sometimes it's really hard to know what to read to your child.

Apologia Educational Ministries has just recently published a new book to help parents do exactly that. It's called Read For the Heart ($17) and it was written by Sarah Clarkson the daughter of Sally Clarkson. 

You may think the book just contains contains a list of books to pick from. It has far more than that. The first four chapters discuss the importance of reading and how to go about creating an environment that encourages the love of the written word. The author even shares a study that was done on the decline of reading in America. 

The remaining chapters have listings, by author, of various books broken down by genre. Each author blurb lists a book or two (or more) as well as a brief synopsis. There is typically a list of other books by that author as well.

You can check out the table of contents and a sample of the book online.

Overall this is a great addition to any home library especially if you want to know a bit about a book before reading out loud to your children or assigning it as a read alone. It is an extensive as any one person's experience can be and I'm thrilled to have the addition to our home library.

While reading the first few chapters I was reminded of this news story I heard about. I think it truly speaks to the importance of reading with your children.

Be sure to head over to the TOS Homeschool Crew blog to see what other Crew members had to say about this book.

Disclaimer: I was not paid for this review.  All opinions shared are my own. TOS Crew Members are given the product free of charge in exchange for our unbiased opinion of the product.


  1. Wow! Thanks for sharing that news story. It brought tears to my eyes.

    I also loved this book and it has motivated me to place more importance on our reading time.

  2. Another great review! So, you've peeked my interest, whats seventy gone? Its so secretive!:)-Determined

  3. Wow! What a COOL book! I might need it. Hmm...


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