Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What is one thing on your bucket list? If you don't have a bucket list let's pretend you do.
I don’t have a bucket list, but if I did one thing that would be on would be to visit Scotland – the land of my ancestors. About ten or so years ago my hubby & I had the chance to go to England and I loved it! I really want to go to Scotland next. Hopefully some day!

2. What makes a good dad?
One who is engaged in the lives of their children. One who takes the time to talk with their kids and connect. One who chooses family over all else. One who shows his love openly.

3. Are you afraid of insects? Which ones?
Yup! I really despise anything that stings. I will go to great lengths to kill them. I’m really not overly fond of any insects but anything with a stinger freaks me out.

4. We're barbecuing...what's on the grill at your house?
Probably chicken with BBQ sauce of some kind. We’ll also have veggie packets. Those tin foil wrapped packages of yumminess! I typically toss in carrots (lots of them for me), red potatoes cut up, summer squash, zucchini, onion, and anything else I can find that grills well. I add a touch of olive oil and some Jane’s Crazy Salt and seal them up good. Oh so delicious!

5. Do you believe that playing is more important than winning?
Absolutely, but winning sure if fun!

6. Do you tan? Use self tanners? Visit tanning salons? See your dermatologist at least once a year?
HAHAHAHAHA! If you know me in real life, you’ll understand why I laugh. I am very fair-skinned. In fact, I have to take my rings off in the summer just to prove that I am tan simply because I still look pale! The only time in my life I ever had a tan was eons ago when I did go to a tanning booth. I went for a whole month before anyone even noticed and the longest I could stand it was five minutes. Yeah, fair-skinned is probably an understatement.

7. Five years ago I would never imagine that today I would_______________.
Love blogging so much and do so little scrapbooking as a result. Once I began blogging regularly it took over my desire to scrapbook. I haven’t done paper scrapbooking in over two years and I used to spend 12+ hours a month (in one day) working on scrapbooks.

8. Insert your own random thought here.
I really wish it were warmer here in Maine! Something I rarely say but we had about two days of summer-like weather and now we’re back to wet and rainy and cold. I want some summer before fall comes!


  1. That warm weather will come! I hope. LOL We're heading out to swim anyway! The kids don't mind the CHILLY water. (I'll just read in a camp chair! LOL)


  2. Hi, visiting today from Wednesday's Hodgepodge. I love Maine. We went there for our honeymoon almost ten years ago. Would love to go back. I am a homeschooling mommy too :)


Oh thank goodness! I'm not here all alone. Thanks for leaving me a comment. It helps that I'm not always talking to myself. Right? Hello?