Friday, June 8, 2012

{Blog Tour} Son of the Underground by Isaac Liu

In two days I will get up early, get my boys up and going, and head to church. We'll drive there in our truck - in the daylight. We'll walk in and spend time with our fellow church members worshiping the Lord in song. We'll sit and listen to our Pastor preach to us on the topic he's chosen. Many, if not all of us, will have a Bible of some sort with us. Some of us have Bible verses memorized, but perhaps not that many. Then we'll leave and head home. Never once will we be concerned we'll get in trouble for our worship. Never once will we worry that the police will show up to arrest us.  Never once will we be forced to either deny Christ or die. 

Life for Christians in America is, I daresay, easy.

Son of the Underground depicts the story of Isaac Lui. He is the son of Brother Yun who is the author of The Heavenly Man. The book reads like a journal. I felt like Isaac was sitting in the same room with me just sharing stories of his life. 

Isaac with his sister & mother

Isaac was a survivor from the day he was born. He arrived prematurely the night before his mother was to be forced to have an abortion simply because she was pregnant by an "enemy of China." Isaac first met his father at age four and spent many years away from him. His father, Brother Yun, spent many years in prison for evangelizing for Christ. 

The book shows what life was like for Isaac, his mother, and his grandmother during these years and how they came to finally be safe from persecution. 

You can read the first two chapters of the book by clicking HERE.  I had the book read rather quickly. I've had Brother Yun's book on my 'to be read' list for quite some time and will be bumping it up to the top. I think it serves us well here to be reminded what it means to live for Christ - what it means to give our all. 

Disclosure: I was provided with a copy of the book through the Kregel Publications Blog Tour program. I was not compensated in any other way. All opinions stated above are mine alone. 

1 comment:

  1. Well said, I read this in about a day and while it was a good book it was definitely an eye opener to what the Chinese persecuted church is suffering.


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