I almost didn't join up this week as it's been a very off week in our homeschool. I always have grand plans and really want to focus on getting a good day of school in. Then life happens. And it happened this week for sure!
I didn't manage to complete our together school on Monday. That was certainly my issue. That also means no reading aloud.
On Tuesday the two younger boys had swim lessons and from there we went to a friend's house. Our friend also homeschools and has four boys. We are attempting to get together once or twice a month for "Share Time." Each boy shares something they like and then they can play. My boys are ages 9, 11, & 16. Hers are (I think) 6, 8, 12, & 14. It's been encouraging for all of them to share. We don't limit them (very much anyway). For example, my middle son loves planes so typically shares some time of model he's made (paper, Lego, model). One of her sons is an amazing artist and once shared some chalk drawings he did that were wonderful. It's a nice confidence booster to all of them I think.
Wednesday was a bust of a school day for a couple of reasons. My oldest spent the night at the above friend's house. Neither of us thinking at the time that it's still a school day - homeschool or not. Her kiddos pushed through but mine were given the day off. No worries though. They will be making it up on (gasp!) Saturday.
Yesterday I did a bit of reading aloud, but the young one I am now watching (7 months) was teething and very unhappy at school time so it was again shelved. Today Mr. T was back to his usual happy baby-self and slept all morning so we had a great together school.
Since I last posted what we were reading, we finished A Midsummer's Night Dream. It was definitely a nice adaption of the story making it easier for children to understand. We will be going to see the play in a couple of weeks but that is also a "school show" so I'm not sure how they will interpret the story line. I think it will be helpful to my boys, especially my nine year old, that we read the story first.
I also finally decided I just did not like A Gathering of Days as a read aloud. I'm not sure what it was, but it just doesn't flow well. I stopped in the midst of reading it a week ago and asked the boys their thoughts. We all agreed to shelve it.
So for now we are continuing on with reading Hero Tales. We are about halfway through that volume, but I own four I think so I plan to continue those as part of our Bible time. I am also assigning missionary biographies to my middle son as part of his school reading so he will be getting a bit more background.
I am thoroughly enjoying I, Adam and I'm sorely tempted to sneak it at night to see what happens. I think the boys like that one as well. The plot is interesting and, of course, it's Jean Fritz who is a great writer.
Lastly, we are still working on Fellowship of the Ring. I have decided though that I either need to dig out our copy which is in some box in the basement or buy one. I have a library copy out and I've already renewed it once. It's due Tuesday and we just made it to chapter three.
I almost forget, I did add back in The Light and the Glory for Children. I am using this for history with my two younger boys. I misplaced the book so they had some time off. We are about halfway through and then switching to Story of the World Volume 3 for the rest of the year.
All in all I am very happy with the progress we are making and my decision to read out loud to all my boys every day.

Glad you were able to work in some reading aloud time. It can be challenging some days!
ReplyDeleteOh, Lisa! I think these posts are way more motivating for ME than anything else. Life gets in the way for me so often, and I feel like I'm coming on saying... "we're still reading..." and nothing much else.
ReplyDeleteI'll be borrowing the "Limping through this week" phrasing at some point, I know it.
And we started LOTR this past week. :) I'm sure I'm going to be nowhere near done with it when it is due back.