1. American Idol is back for a 14th season. Are you watching? Have you ever watched? If you were to audition for the show (or were made to audition), what song would you sing? I didn't watch the first few seasons but then watched a few in the middle. I'm not watching this year. I have been cutting way back on my television watching - not that I watch a ton actually. If I were to audition, I would either sing "God Gave Me You" or "Amazing Grace."
2. Mark Twain is quoted as saying, "If it's your job to eat a frog, it's best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it's your job to eat two frogs, it's best to eat the biggest one first." So when did you last have to 'eat a frog'? Or two? How'd that work out? I know I've had to tackle lots of things I don't particular care for, but right now I can't think of one. Although, I do still need to finish my oldest son's high school transcript and course descriptions in order for him to apply to college. I think at this point we have put off the frog eating a bit and we're aiming for January 2016 college entrance rather than September 2015.
3. If you were going on safari, what is the number one animal you'd want to see? An elephant. I've seen them up close and personal, but I'd love to see one in its natural habitat.
4. January 21st is National Granola Bar Day. I know. Do you like granola bars? Chewy or crunchy? Your favorite flavor? How about regular granola? Let's exhaust this topic in honor of the holiday okay? I actually do, but typically only one brand and flavor. I like the Sunbelt Chewy Chocolate Chip ones. I keep them on hand as they work great for raising my blood sugar when I'm having a low. I usually pair it with a small glass of milk and I'm good to go. As for regular granola, I do like it, but I like it best in yogurt.
5. If only__________________________________________. Life had a rewind button...
6. You can add one item to your bedroom. What will it be? Keep it family friendly please. A dual heated blanket. I could turn up the heat on my side and hubby could keep his side of the bed cooler.
7. What is one thing you've enjoyed about winter thus far? If it's not winter in your corner of the globe, what season is it, and what is something you've enjoyed about whatever season it happens to be? I'm pretty sure "enjoy" and "winter" do not go together. This winter has just been weird here in Maine. We've had super cold weather (as in -20 one morning) and warmer than normal (as in 40 degrees yesterday - hello mud!). We haven't had a lot of snow yet either. However, thankfully the freezing rain hasn't been as much this year either, although any is too much. Oh wait, I was suppose to share something I've enjoyed. Um....well...I'll just leave it as I'm not much of a fan of winter. Period.
8. Insert your own random thought here. I've been super busy studying for my group fitness instructor certification. I take the test at the end of the month. However, I'm offering free classes starting next week! Yikes! January has certainly gone by fast.

Love your answers Lisa Anne
ReplyDeleteIm an elephant and granola girl too
The dual heated blanket would be of no use to me. Being a lady of a certain age..new to California from wet and windy Wales..Im positively melting right now
I used to wish for a rewind button too...but then I realized that all things happen for a reason. If I hadn't experienced life, good and bad, I wouldn't be where I am now. Although that button would have come in handy when I accidently washed a black face cloth with white towels...oooops!
Phoebe x