Rumors of War is a pretty good fictionalized rendition of end-times showing how biblical prophesy may happen. Roxy is a young girl in college who loses her fiance to a bombing. She begins to question who actually did the bombing. Was it a terrorist group as the media says or is it something more. Entire Zurn Global who begins to implant RFID chips in to all students and citizens. While it's being promoted as a way to keep the world safe since it can be used to track purchases, it may be something more sinister than that. When Roxy refused to get the chip, she is soon being tracked down and forced to have one placed.
The movie bounces back and forth between "now" with Roxy questioning and searching for the truth while recording what she learns in her journal and the "future" when Agent Shaw, a member of the One World Army, finds her journal. Agent Shaw begins to question what it is he is doing after finding it and beginning to read a Bible that was taken during a raid of some "rebels."
Overall I enjoyed the movie as did my 11 year-old who watched it with me. However, there were a few things that weren't fully explained and we were left a bit hanging as to what eventually does happen to Roxy as she's being pursued by the One World Government.
There were a number of recognizable faces in this movie. Eric Roberts plays Zurn, the creator of the chip and perhaps the mastermind behind the bombings used to convince the citizens of the world they need the chip. Ben Davies from the movie Courageous plays Agent Shaw. Mac Powell from the Christian band ThirdDay has a minor role in the beginning playing one of the rebels of the One World Government. Jaci Velasquez, another Christian singer, plays one of the rebel leaders. T.C. Stallings from both Courageous and, most recently, War Room plays the leader of the One World Army. If you have seen any of the Kendrick brother films, you will recognize a few more faces as well.
This movie made some very interesting points and certainly gave one plenty to think about.
The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast,
so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship
the image to be killed. It also forced all people,
great and small, rich and poor, free and slave,
to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads,
so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark,
which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.
~Revelations 13:15-17
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