Monday, February 28, 2011

Brain Freeze

On February 1st I took a challenge to post every day on my blog. I was doing well. Some days I struggled, but overall I had original content up every day.

I was sitting here tonight trying to figure out what I would be posting - the last day of February. I thought I'd help jog my thoughts by looking back at the month to see what I had posted.

That's when I discovered I never posted yesterday. I'm so bummed I was ::this close:: to finishing this challenge and I missed it due to my faulty memory.

So now on to some randomness that is my  life lately.

Our schedule seems to have ramped up a bit lately. Although the snow we've been getting lately has curtailed a lot of things. Today I had planned to clean my hubby's grandmother's house but didn't venture out in the snow. That meant that Youth Group and worship team were also cancelled. It was nice to have a day at home though.

Tomorrow is going to start up on the busy-ness. My weekly weight loss class needed to be changed and so that is tomorrow morning. Piano lessons and worship team wrap up my day. My nephew also is coming to spend a couple of days. That always makes life interesting.

On Wednesday, since my  nephew will be here anyway, we'll do our Fine Arts Co-Op sans my sister who will be at work. I'm trying to decide if I'll use our regular art DVDs or try out the new one that I need to review for the TOS Crew. It's by See the Light and it looks really good!

Wednesday is my favorite time of the week these days.  It's the day of my Zumba class! I am still really enjoying it after eight weeks. The new session starts Wednesday. Our instructor is even offering more local classes this month and I'm going to do my best to make as many as I can! And just for fun - here is a video of one of the songs we dance to. The routine is pretty much the same one we do but we have loads more fun!

not my actual class

I'm also really looking forward to Thursday this week. There is an opera house in the closest city to where we live that does "educational" plays a few times a year. We attended two last year and had a blast. They were so much fun and the boys had a great time. We're attending another one Thursday morning. It's called "Tattercoats: A Tale of Yore" and it looks like it will be another great one.

The rest of the day will be filled with errands (bank, grocery store, etc) and then we end the night at AWANA. I'm glad the kids have such a great time there. My hubby & I as well as our oldest son now volunteer. Our youngest is in his second year of Sparks and our middle son is in his second year of T&T. He only has two more years left! Our club only goes up to 6th grade.

Friday means 4-H! It seems like forever since we've made a bona fide 4-H meeting between thinking the boys might get chicken pox (they never did btw) or snow, it's been awhile. Our focus this year is on theater, drama and puppets.

I'm so excited about a contact we stumbled on during the craft fair season. We struck up a conversation on day with one of the crafters beside us. He takes old bottles and "squishes" them (i.e. melts them down flat) and makes cheese plates and the like from them. It's very interesting. His wife was a theater major and does puppets! I've been in contact with her about doing something with our group. She is going to be putting together a workshop just for us on puppets. I can't wait!

Phew! I'm tired already and this week hasn't even happened. Hopefully we'll manage to fit some "book learning" in there somewhere. I'm also in the midst of looking at all of our curriculum again and deciding what will fit, what needs to be changed, and what just needs implementation. It's the way I beat cabin fever this time of year.

Is your week as crazy as mine?

1 comment:

  1. No thank God, my week looks nothing like yours. Okay, so I want to go with you tomorrow. Where, when, what do I wear, how much, and can I bring a little girl?


Oh thank goodness! I'm not here all alone. Thanks for leaving me a comment. It helps that I'm not always talking to myself. Right? Hello?