My youngest with his trophy and medal from the recent tournament.
Just today I was walking into the local university fitness center with my two boys for swim lessons. We passed an older gentleman leaving and I could see him looking at my boys with a very puzzled expression on his face. I'm sure he was thinking, "Why aren't those kids in school?" If he had voiced this question, I was ready to smile and say, "They are. We're heading in to do some PE."
Each semester the local university offers swim lessons for children. They begin with very young ones and move up through Level 6. It's Red Cross certified. It's taught by college students (overseen by an aquatics director) each semester. And it's extremely affordable for 10 weeks of instructions.
My youngest at swim lessons just today.
Each of my boys have a 40 minute lesson. Unfortunately, they are in different levels and the schedule changes slightly each semester. So for this session, my youngest has his lesson. then lower level students have a 30 minute lesson, and then my middle son has his lesson so we are at the pool for two hours every Tuesday morning. And yes, they bring their book work with them and work on it poolside.
That is one thing I love about these lessons though. They offer a weekly time slot that is during the daytime hours. The majority of kids in this session are older and homeschooled. It's not only great for the kids, you know, socialization and all that, but it's also gives the moms a chance to chat! A complete win-win situation!
Both of my younger boys also participate in martial arts lessons twice a week. Our dojo (school) has a motto, "The family who kicks together, stays together." My youngest son started with lessons, my hubby soon joined, and then we convinced our middle son to try it and he decided it wasn't all that bad.
My middle son with his first place trophy.
He's been taking class now for a few months. He's moved up one belt rank and just recently attended his first tournament. That solidified his enjoyment of martial arts when he took first in kata (forms). He also placed in flag sparring (pieces of a belt are tucked in to their own belt - 2 per participant - and they then try to grab them from their opponent. Only two face off at a time.) My youngest son also placed in kata and flag sparring.
My middle son jumping in to the pool at the end of his lesson.
These are just two of the things my boys do over the course of the year to tick off that "physical education" box. There are so many options out there that it's nearly endless. Some kids play organized sports. Some dance. Others just walk or do their own fitness routine. My boys happen to love swimming and martial arts and I happen to love that they can do them all year long.

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