Susie's Hope is a movie that shares the true story behind the law of the same name that was passed in North Caroline seeking harsher punishment for animal abusers.
Donna Lawrence, a kindhearted woman, only wanted to help the poor neglected dog (yes, a pit-bull) down the street from her house. One afternoon she went to give the dog some food and water. When she turned her back to it, it attacked. She barely survived.
During her recovery, while walking with a friend in the park, they came across what they thought was a dead puppy (a pit-bull mix) until they saw movement. Little Susie had been beaten (her jaw was broken in two places) and then set on fire for simply licking a child in the home she had lived in. She had third degree burns over sixty percent of her body and her ears were completely burned off.
Donna and her friend, Mona, quickly arranged for Susie to be brought to a local animal shelter. Once there they were told that may be possible to save Susie, however, the cost was potentially prohibitive. However, something told Donna to try to do all she could.
Susie not only lived but thrived under Donna's care. The man responsible for the attack on her was found and tried in court. At the time, however, the law didn't even require jail time for someone who abused an animal. Donna worked to successfully change the that law.
Fair warning, grab some tissues if you plan to watch this film. The attack on Donna, while not graphic, is portrayed very well. The filmmakers also did a great job showing Susie after she was initially found (I'm pretty sure they used a robot, a very good robot). Donna also suffers a miscarriage during the attack and it leaves enough damage that she is unable to have any more children. Her healing from the attack and her miscarriage are done very well also.
Overall this was a great movie. It does a great job to show just what a small measure of kindness can do. You don't have to set out to change the whole world, but if you can do just one small thing, it can have a big impact on all those around you.

Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”): Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing this prize for the giveaway. Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post.
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