1. On Saturday July 4th America celebrates her Independence. (If you're not American, feel free to answer in terms of a national holiday in your own country) What is your favorite thing about the day?
I love Independence Day because it reminds me of just that - our freedom.
Your favorite food on the 4th? Watermelon! Yum!
Do you fly a flag at your house? Sure do! We just put it up this year and I love it.
Fireworks-yay or nay? I love watching them. We don't shoot them off though.
Any special plans this year? We're going to watch some fireworks and then enjoy some time visiting family.
2. What's something you recently got for free? I can't remember anything recently.
3. The Statue of Liberty, The Liberty Bell, The Washington Monument, or Mount Rushmore...how many on the list have you seen? What is your favorite historical American monument, and why? I've only seen the Washington Monument and that was years ago. I would love to see all of these someday!
4. When it comes to the news are you more ostrich (stick my head in the sand) or hog (they have room to take a whole lot in)? I'm somewhere in the middle. I don't want to overdose on it, but I don't want to not know what's going on either.
How much attention have you given the recent news reports regarding ISIS and the acts of terror they've perpetrated against those who do not share their beliefs or support their cause? I'm aware of what is going on, but I don't search out the news on it.
5. We're talking plain ice cream...vanilla, chocolate, or strawberry? Choose one. Vanilla because you can add kinds of stuff to it. Yummy stuff.
6. Share a song you love containing the word 'stars' in the lyrics or title. TobyMac "Beyond Me"
7. Describe and/or say goodbye to June with an acrostic.
Just fleeting days
Until next year.
Nice days will come again.
Enjoy them while they last.
8. Insert your own random thought here. My poor neglected blog. I'm praying this summer will allow me the time to get back in the habit again.

Dropping in from the Hodgepodge. Nice acrostic. Happy 4th July.
ReplyDeleteHappy Independence Day!