Monday, October 10, 2011

{TOS Crew Review} Scruble Cube


That got your attention didn't it? What on earth is a "Scruble Cube" you might be wondering? It is the result of a Rubik's Cube meeting Scrabble. Or at least that was my first impression.


I have to say I was pretty excited to try this out. I thought it would be the perfect fit for our family and it would be a fun way to work on spelling with my boys. As the self-promoted "World's Greatest 3D Word Game" and the winner of not only the Dr. Toy Award but also the 2010 Seal of Excellence from Creative Child Magazine, how could I go wrong?

Photobucket Photobucket 

There are various ways to play with the Scruble Cube ($24.95). It arrived with a set of instructions, a sand timer (that goes for 1-1/2 minutes), and a score pad. The instructions give you a couple options for game play. There are also some neat ideas on their website that show how to use the Scruble Cube in learning not only language arts but math and science as well.

I really did want to like the Scruble Cube. Anything that makes learning fun means that it also makes it memorable and easier to learn. Sadly this was not a hit in our home. I found it a bit too difficult to find words and so did my boys.

Does this mean we would not recommend the Scruble Cube? Absolutely not. While it wasn't a great fit for us, there are many who did not feel the same way so obviously don't take my word for it! I do plan to implement some of the free learning ideas referenced earlier to make math and science fun. No spelling needed! I do think the concept is super fun and if you love words and word games, then you will most likely love the Scruble Cube.

Be sure to head over to the TOS Homeschool Crew blog to see what my fellow Crew members had to say about this product.


Disclaimer: I was not paid for this review.  All opinions shared are my own. TOS Crew Members are given the product free of charge in exchange for our unbiased opinion of the product.

1 comment:

  1. What a neat concept! It would be too difficult for my kids too. (They're all 5 and under.) But my husband and I would like it. :)


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